
January 29, 2011

i like to fold old books…

Filed under: collections, my work, photography, vintage — Tags: , , — littleframebigwall @ 8:00 pm

so i have been a little over busy recently and have neglected my blog…sorry! i’m back now and sharing another of my collections…old vintage books that i have manipulated and folded to create new patterns and sculptures.  there is something about methodically folding the pages of these beautiful books that makes me content. i have them lying around my flat as mini pieces of three dimensional art, each is different and each tells its own story (no pun intended)

images copyright littleframebigwall

January 18, 2011

jill sylvia… who says its wrong to cut up books?…

Filed under: inspiration, papercut, photography — Tags: , — littleframebigwall @ 12:55 pm

the obsession with old books and manipulating them to create something else continues… i keep meaning to post up my folded book collections from my third year uni project…but until i get motivated check out these delights from Jill Sylvia. so simple and visually just beautiful.

via jill sylvia



January 17, 2011

i like letters and numbers…

Filed under: inspiration, interiors, photography, typography, vintage — Tags: , , — littleframebigwall @ 9:11 pm

as evident from my previous posts i do like letters and numbers used within interior spaces… enough said.


January 16, 2011

2011 trend…crochet is back

Filed under: fashion, inspiration, photography — Tags: , , , , — littleframebigwall @ 8:34 pm

i spotted this image of a window over at the sartorialist (2) and for some reason couldn’t stop thinking about crochet and how i keep noticing it around at the minute… after a bit of digging i stumbled across a bit of a trend in the fashion world…knits and knots (i like it!) The stunning Vivienne Tam crochet dress made me swoon a little bit and also made me think way too much about going on holiday and wearing that on the beach…yep keep dreaming…ok i’d settle for that little crochet bag if it came with that cute red dress below. ummm…


January 15, 2011

soft hues and dreamy interiors…

Filed under: inspiration, interiors, photography, vintage — Tags: , , , , — littleframebigwall @ 10:49 pm

i’ve been focusing a lot recently on industrial spaces and furniture so i thought i’d share a few softer, dreamier images that caught my eye today… some of the usual suspects are in there! (suitcases & old camera)…


collections…vintage tablet boxes

Filed under: collections, inspiration, photography, vintage — Tags: , — littleframebigwall @ 6:01 pm

i’m not sure why i love these soo much, i keep meaning to frame them…

vintage tablet boxes: photography by littleframebigwall

collections…vintage tickets

Filed under: collections, illustration, my work, vintage — Tags: , — littleframebigwall @ 4:13 pm

vintage tickets: pen & ink drawing by littleframebigwall

January 13, 2011

Andy Vogt… ‘Sustained Decay’

Filed under: inspiration, interiors, photography — Tags: , , , , — littleframebigwall @ 9:23 pm

i stumbled across San Francisco artist Andy Vogt via all the mountains… is it strange that i would happily live with exposed / decayed walls just like these and be quite smiley.

images via Andy Vogt

January 12, 2011

Post A Day…

Filed under: collections, my work — Tags: , — littleframebigwall @ 9:56 pm

So… i have gotten inspired by the Post A Day idea that i spied through wordpress… new years resolutions and all that! i am pretty determined to keep it up this time so feel free to nag me if i get slack!

alongside my everyday posts i have decided to start a personal collection project inspired by the lovely blog A collection a Day from Lisa Congdon. Throughout 2010 Liza has been documenting her own collections – (real and sometimes imagined) each day on her blog. I have been an avid follower and wanted to work on my own version. so i am going to start recording some of my own collections and overlooked objects that catch my eye.  Some will be my own, others i will gather, draw or record in some way. i’d like this piece of work to be considered an insight into my thought process and a collaboration of objects that i feel simply can not be overlooked…

much of my artwork to date has derived from the idea of storytelling and taking the onlooker on a journey. interaction between the viewer and the art is key – what makes an object/space/vision intriguing? how does it make you feel? how does it position itself?…

i am really excited about this little project and to be sharing a little look inside my creative head! if you like what you see please say hello…

i thought this quote quite apt…

image via fffound

January 11, 2011

industrial furniture…

i’ve been thinking a lot recently about furniture with that industrial edge… i love nothing more than scouting around in second hand stores and flea markets for old bits of furniture and other random objects. the worn nature looks great when placed into a newer, considered space. here is a little selection of beauties that i spied today…



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